Dane Landscape Architects and Engineers was established in Bad Homburg near Frankfurt, Germany in 1992. We have been located in Weimar, Thuringia since 1994.
Our office team consists of qualified landscape architects and town planners. Our multi-disciplinary approach and lingustic abilities, our experience, our technical equipment and our well-established, internal quality management system make it possible for us to provide high quality professional services world-wide.
Our projects include all facets of open space design including vehicular areas, town planning, landscape planning and ecology as well as complex historic garden design and urban space.
We also have many years of experience in tropical, sub-tropical and mediterranean climate zones specially in the design and construction of large hotel and club projects.
We have successfully completed over 400 projects in Germany and world-wide. Approximately 25 of these projects had landscape construction costs existing three million Euros.
We are in the position to support our clients from the first design discussions and preliminary design right the way through to the construction and completion of the project. In addition to our landscape architectural and urban planning design services we also provide our clients with professional advice and assistance in presenting and marketing their project.
All professionals in our office are members of institutes and professional bodies such as the Architektenkammer Thüringen (AKT), the Landscape Institute, International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA), International Council on Monuments and Sites (Icomos), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gartenkunst und Landschaftskultur (DGGL).