8. Publications
Michael Dane
- Garden history journal ‚Gartenkunst und Gartendenkmalpflege in Sachsen-Anhalt’ – The Langenstein Park – an english landscape park designed by Eduard Petzold. Publisher: State administration for historic preservation and archaeology in Saxony-Anhalt, 2010
- German horticultural journal ‚Gartenpraxis’ May 2011: The rose garden on the Fort Ehrenbreitstein, Koblenz. Publisher: Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart, 2009
- Schloßpark Langenstein `Weißbuch´ (Castle Garden Langenstein `White-Book´) Theme: Endangered historical estates and parks in the new German federal states, Publisher: Deutscher Heimatbund, 2005
- Year Book of the Thüringer Foundation for Castles and Gardens (Stiftung Thüringer Schlösser und Gärten), Books 1-6 Theme: The redesign of the northern castle entrance square in Gotha (Die Umgestaltung des nördlichen Schloßvorplatzes in Gotha), Publisher: Stiftung Thüringer Schlösser und Gärten (Thüringer Foundation for Castles and Gardens), 2003
- `Bauliche Investitionen Weimar 1999´ (Building Investment in Weimar 1999), Presentation of a selection of projects which have been designed by our office, Publisher: Deutsche Stadtentwicklungsgesellschaft (German City Development Corporation), 1999
- `Rosenjahrbuch 1998´ (Year Book of Roses 1998): Theme: `Das Europa-Rosarium Sangerhausen an der Schwelle einer neuen Epoche, Teil 2´ (The European Rosarium Sangerhausen - on the Threshold of a New Era, Part II), Publisher: Verein Deutscher Rosenfreunde (German Rose Society), 1998
- `Kulturlandschaftskarte Erfurt-Weimar-Jena´ (Cultural Landscape Maps of Erfurt-Weimar-Jena): Co-work in graphics, text, plan and layout development, Publisher: DGGL - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gartenkunst and Landschaftskultur (German Society for the Art of Gardens and Landscape Culture), 1998
- `Gärten 98/99´ (Gardens 98/99): Presentation of a selection of projects, which have been designed by our office, in the province Thuringia, Publisher: DGGL - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gartenkunst and Landschaftskultur (German Society for the Art of Gardens and Landscape Culture), 1998
- `Rosenjahrbuch 1997´ ('Year Book of Roses 1997'): Theme:`Das Erneurungskonzept: Europa-Rosarium Sangerhausen´(The Restoration Concept: European Rosarium Sangehausen), Publisher: Verein Deutscher Rosenfreunde, (German Rose Society), 1998
- `LANDSCHAFTSARCHITEKTEN - Landscape Architecture in Germany´, Book II, Presentation of our office and selected projects, 1997
- Journal 'Landscape Design 12/1988':`Tourist Developments in Southern Turkey´ Theme: Report on the development of tourism i.e. the infrastructure, hotels and holiday-village complexes on the southern coast of Turkey
Heiko Donath
- The Garden of the `Haus Am Horn´, published by the Cultural Foundation of the Sparkasse Hessen-Thüringen, Frankfurt am Main, 1999
- `Haus Am Horn´, Reconstruction of utopia, published by the Friends of the Bauhaus University e.V., 2000
`In the Kingdom of the god Freedom – five hundred years of princely gardens in Gotha. The garden and park landscapes of the dukes of Gotha - `Siebleben´, published by the Friedenstein Castle Foundation, Gotha together with the Thuringian Foundation for castles and gardens.
Steffen Witosseck
- `White-Book` of historic gardens and parks in the new German federal states published by the Bund Heimat und Umwelt in Deutschland (BHU), 2005
- German horticultural journal ‚Gartenpraxis’ May 2011: The rose garden on the Fort Ehrenbreitstein, Koblenz. Publisher: Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart, 2009
- Garden history journal ‚Gartenkunst und Gartendenkmalpflege in Sachsen-Anhalt’ – The Langenstein Park – an english landscape park designed by Eduard Petzold. Publisher: State administration for historic preservation and archaeology in Sachsen-Anhalt, 2010